
Venezuela and Latin America in Times of COVID - 19 – Lessons Learned and the Path Forward

This webinar features 3 panels of experts shedding light on the COVID-19 impact in Latin America and Venezuela, as well as the challenges faced by the non-governmental organizations helping to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and the complex humanitarian emergency.

Panel #1: COVID - 19 and its impact in Latin America and in humanitarian settings.

Dr. Peter Hotez

Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Shannon Doocy

Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Humanitarian Health

Dr. Norbert Schady

Principal Economic Adviser, Inter-American Development Bank

Dr. Cynthia Arnson

Director of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center

Moderator: Dr. Luisa Palacios

Director CITGO Petroleum Corp.

Panel #2: COVID-19 and Venezuela: How the pandemic is impacting the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela in terms of health care, nutrition and poverty levels.

Dr. Julio Castro

Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Specialist, Professor at Tropical Medicine Institute, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Advisor Health Affairs for the National Assembly

Susana Raffali

Humanitarian Expert - Advisor, Caritas de Venezuela

Tamara Herrera

Managing Director and Chief Economist, Sintesis Financiera

Luis Pedro España

Director of the Poverty Project, Universidad Católica Andres Bello

Tomás Bermúdez

Manager of the Andean Group Country Department, Inter-American Development Bank

Moderator: Dr. Marino Gonzalez

Medical Academy of Venezuela, Profesor Universidad Simón Bolivar

Panel #3: The NGO community: challenges faced by Foundations and NGOs working with the humanitarian crisis in times of COVID-19

Maria Moreno

Head of Philanthropy and Private Sector Engagement - USA for IOM, The UN Migration Agency

Dr. Gloria Mattiuzzi

Co-Founder, President and Director Medical Program, Cuatro por Venezuela

Feliciano Reyna

Founder and Executive President, Acción Solidaria

Moderator: Mariela Poleo

President Simon Bolivar Foundation