
The Foundation regularly hosts events that support its mission, such as networking sessions, knowledge transfer webinars, and training sessions, among others. Visit the website often to stay informed on upcoming events opportunities.

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Past Events

February 29, 2024

Prenatal Care for Migrants: Services and Practices in Their Home Country and What Can Be Expected Throughout the Migrant’s Route to the US

This session, presented by the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) and Simón Bolívar Foundation, provides an overview of the perinatal experience of Venezuelan women throughout the migration process. This overview includes a brief review of OB care as provided in Venezuela that creates expectations for a similar experience among migrant women that is rarely match. Experts talk about the realities of perinatal care provided for migrants in Colombia, at the US/Mexico border and in the US.

*This webinar is presented in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation into English *

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April 19, 2022

The View from the Ground: NGO Service Providers and Funder Collaborations

This webinar focuses on learning from organizations and funders about what they see on the ground in Venezuela and the diaspora and how they are responding. The webinar is moderated by Tanya Gulliver-Garcia from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and begins with welcome remarks from Mariela Poleo, the president of the Simón Bolívar Foundation. Feliciano Reyna-Ganteaume, president of Acción Solidaria, shares information on the work of this organization and other civil society actors collaborating in Venezuela and the day-to-day challenges these groups encounter.

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March 31, 2022

The Dangers of Forced Displacement: Chronic and Emerging Health Needs of Venezuelans in the Americas Region.

This webinar discusses the findings of a report on the health status and challenges of Venezuelans who have been displaced to other countries in the Americas region. The webinar is moderated by Tanya Gulliver-Garcia from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and begins with welcome remarks from Mariela Poleo, the President of the Simón Bolívar Foundation.

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March 23, 2022

Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health Study on Venezuela's Health Crisis

The Simón Bolívar Foundation presented results from a recent report on the health crisis in Venezuela, aiming to help guide humanitarian health programs and provide updated, objective and reliable data.

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March 3, 2022

Drivers for Venezuela Migration

This webinar, moderated by Center for Disaster Philanthropy, features experts from the United Nations (UN) International Organization of Migration (IOM) and Brown University discussing the conditions in Venezuela that are driving an unprecedented migration. This is the first webinar in the series “Lunchtime Conversations: A Learning Opportunity for Funders”.

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July 13, 2021

The Role of the Private Sector in Mitigating the Humanitarian Crisis

Webinar organized by the Venezuelan American Association of the United States (VAAUS) to discuss the actions taken by the private sector to help mitigate the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The expert panelists – that includes our president, Mariela Poleo, will address the impact of philanthropic initiatives, partnerships, and the creation of jobs for refugees.


May 26, 2021, 20:30 CST

Barcelona Children's Hospital Retinoblastoma Questions & Answers

Live session with clinical and research experts from the San Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, addressing questions and concerns regarding children’s retinoblastoma. Click here for more information and to register for free. Event organized by the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.

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December 2, 2020

Venezuela and Latin America in Times of COVID-19 – Lessons Learned and the Path Forward

This webinar features 3 panels of experts shedding light on the COVID-19 impact in Latin America and Venezuela, as well as the challenges faced by the non-governmental organizations helping to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and the complex humanitarian emergency.

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November 9, 2020

Plan País Virtual Encounter (in Spanish)

In this webinar medical experts discuss lessons learned on Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) management and Right Ventricular (RV) failure in COVID-19 patients.

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August 4, 2020

Cardiovascular Diseases and COVID-19

In this webinar medical experts discuss lessons learned on Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) management and Right Ventricular (RV) failure in COVID-19 patients.

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July 7, 2020

Venezuela’s Escalating Humanitarian Crisis due to COVID-19

This webinar addresses how the Venezuelan complex humanitarian health crisis is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, given the precarious conditions of health facilities, the lack of services and health supplies, limited availability of reliable testing and the lack of reports.

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July 20, 2020

Training to Grantees by PanAmerican Development Foundation

Through a Technical Asssistance Agreement, The PanAmerican Development Foundation (PADF) is providing a 20-hour capacity building training in English and Spanish to the Simón Bolívar Foundation staff and 17 nonprofits which have been preselected or are currently program implementation partners, to strengthen their knowledge in project management, grant implementation, humanitarian health and corporate governance.

The impact of COVID-19 on the Venezuelan migration

This videoconference discusses how COVID-19 has aggravated the situation of Venezuelan migrants in Latin America from the human rights, public health, and economic conditions perspective...

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Impact of COVID-19 on nutrition and food security in Venezuela

This videoconference discussed nutrition and food access in Venezuela in the face of the Complex Humanitarian Emergency and the COVID-19 pandemic...

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Conversation about COVID-19 and the role of NGOs

The Simón Bolívar Foundation continues to organize videoconferences with valuable information to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Venezuela...

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Simón Bolívar Foundation organizes videoconference "Shock medicine against COVID-19"

The Simón Bolívar Foundation, fulfilling its objective of facilitating knowledge transfer about health issues, organized last Sunday...

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