Grants & Grantees


The Foundation funds programs implemented by qualified charitable organizations with boots on the ground and the capacity to execute programs in accordance with the Foundation’s objectives.

In 2023, the Simón Bolívar Foundation significantly increased its activity via its grants programs. As the number of migrants increases, the Foundation's outreach extends throughout Latin America and the United States, benefitting thousands of Venezuelans and other migrants living in vulnerable conditions.

2023 has been a year of reinforcing existing collaboration with organizations that have demonstrated satisfactory performance, continuous need, and the ability to absorb additional funds. The Foundation has requested and accepted proposals for project extensions and expansions under two grant modalities:

  • Humanitarian Health Grants

  • Knowledge Transfer, Networking and Education Grants / Capacity Building / Equipment Donation / Donation to hospitals

Medium to Large Humanitarian Health Grants

This program aims to address the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis through initiatives that improve access to medicines, nutrition and healthcare for low income and vulnerable individuals and populations in and out of the Venezuela and in host communities.

  • Provide access to health services and supplies with special attention to maternal and early childhood health and others in need. This may include donations of supplies, medicines, nutritional supplements, meals, information campaigns and webinars, and training for health providers and social workers;
  • Create opportunities to provide food security to those in need, which is understood as having reliable access to sufficient quantities of affordable and nutritious food. This may include food provisions, meals, and education that promote healthy eating and nutrition; and
  • Develop nutrition programs designed to provide nutritious meals and supplements to the vulnerable population, emphasizing children under age 5, and pregnant and lactating women. Nutrition plans must adhere to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of a healthy and balanced diet.

Grant proposals will be evaluated based on their ability to achieve impact in the following areas:

  1. Addresses the Grant Program priorities
  2. Budget - cost effectiveness
  3. Project design/plan – a defined execution plan with achievable milestones and deliverables
  4. Project impact – measured in terms of goals and objectives met and relevant indicators, like number of children and adults served, number of medicines, etc.
  5. Implementation time-frame
  6. Strategic relationship

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Knowledge Transfer, Networking and Education

Priority will be given to grant proposals with activities targeted towards individuals and organizations in need, that::

  • Train health professionals, doctors, nurses, and support personnel in and out of Venezuela and others in need;
  • Help retain health personnel in Venezuela;
  • Improve infrastructure of medical training facilities;
  • Perform studies and assessments that help the Foundation and other charitable organizations in assessing their needs and funding priorities;
  • Create opportunities for networking and exchange of relevant information among organizations working in similar fields;
  • Train organizations in improving their activities, including in the areas of fundraising, grantmaking, project management, and leadership development, among others;
  • Raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis and relevant health issues in Venezuela and the region.

Grant proposals will be evaluated based on their ability to achieve impact in the following areas:

  1. Addresses the Grant Program priorities.
  2. Budget – cost effectiveness.
  3. Project design/plan – a defined execution plan with achievable milestones and deliverables.
  4. Project impact – measured in terms of goals and objectives met and relevant indicators, like community outreach, number of individuals trained and assisted, webinars performed, papers presented, etc.

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The Simón Bolívar Foundation will receive grant proposals via invitation or by an open call.

The Foundation will accept grant proposals on a rolling basis every year until funds are awarded and expended. The Foundation anticipates awarding grants with a maximum period of one year.

The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals.

The Foundation may evaluate the grant proposal with the help of its volunteer Community Advisory Team. The final decision is made by the Foundation, at its sole discretion, considering available funds and priorities.

Past Grants & Grantees

Humanitarian Health Grants - Integral Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Program (2022–2023)

The grant application process was open to all U.S. 501(c)(3) charitable organizations or international charitable organizations qualified as the equivalent of a U.S. public charity, or local organizations with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, that have demonstrated the capacity to work with projects of over $150,000 in Venezuela focused on maternal health, neonatal health and child health.

The grant application process included a two-step process. First, the organization presented a concept note and other required information. Then the Foundation reviewed the information and selected candidates that were notified and invited to present a full project grant proposal.

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Knowledge transfer - Baylor College of Medicine Tropical Medicine Diploma Scholarships (2022–2023)

The Simón Bolivar Foundation, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine offered to fund up to seven scholarships to medical professionals working in Venezuela for a world-class Diploma Course in Tropical Medicine from Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine.

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Knowledge Transfer Medium/Large Grants

This program aimed to enhance the capacity of medical professionals and caregivers to serve and treat patients in Venezuela through training in nutrition, global health practices and disaster medicine. Additionally, this grant category helped retain doctors in Venezuela and improve the infrastructure of medical training facilities.

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Health Projects for Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia (2021)

Given the continuing impact generated by the Venezuelan Complex Humanitarian Emergency in the Americas, in 2021 a total amount of $663,325 was awarded to support four charity projects that will help improve the health conditions of Venezuelan migrants and caminantes (migrants traveling partially or totally on foot) in Colombia.

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Humanitarian Health Medium/Large Grants (2020-2023)

The revised mission of the Foundation is to improve the health of vulnerable individuals affected by disaster, conflict and poverty, with special attention to children and mothers in and from Venezuela. The Foundation has three main objectives:

  • Access - Increase access to medicine, nutrition and healthcare for low-income and vulnerable individuals and communities.
  • Capacity - Enhance capacity of medical professionals and caregivers to serve and treat patients through education and support.
  • Empowerment - Increase effectiveness of community organizations and actors by empowering them to serve the health needs of the most vulnerable individuals in their communities, particularly children and mothers. The Humanitarian Health Program should focus on helping addressing the access to medicines, nutrition and healthcare, for low income and vulnerable individuals and population in and from Venezuela.

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“Hoy Invita Simón” Small Grant Food Program (2020)

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Simón Bolívar Foundation has undertaken several initiatives that can help alleviate the effect of this disease in and out of Venezuela.

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COVID-19 Small Grants (2020)

In response to the COVID-19 emergency, the Foundation launched a special round of small grants that specifically help alleviate the damaging effects of the pandemic in Venezuela in the midst of a deteriorating public health system.

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COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund (2020)

The Emergency Relief Fund was activated at the end of March 2020 in response to additional challenges brought about by COVID-19 within the existing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

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Small Grants (First Round) (2019-2020)

During our first round of Small Grants, the Foundation awarded six grants totaling $100,000 to nonprofits that expand access to medicine, health care services, and health education to vulnerable individuals in and from Venezuela.

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